AI and Machine Learning Impacts in Intelligent Supply Chain is a groundbreaking book that offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by the Industry 4.0 revolution. This book is your indispensable guide to navigating the intricate world of supply chain digital transformation using innovative technologies. It provides real-world examples and insights that illustrate how AI and ML are the keys to solving complex supply chain problems, from inventory management to route optimization and beyond. Whether you are an academic scholar seeking to delve into the impact of AI and ML on supply chain management or a business leader striving to gain a competitive edge, this book is tailored to meet your needs.
Uday Kumar Kanike finished a Doctorate from Georgia State University in 2023.
Dr. A. Shaji George has served education and ICT industry for over 25 years. He is a member of the board of trustees and professor of Crown University International and cooperate advisory board of trustees a special assistant to Pro Chancellor at Chartered Int’l Da Vinci University Inc., Nigeria, West Africa. Cooperate advisory board of trustees as a Deputy Vice President (Administration) West Coast University International, Nigeria, West Africa. Trainer and Counsellor of the National Human Rights and Humanitarian Federation -NHRF, Kerala India. A recognized technical expert in ICT Systems, Network & Telecommunication, designed and deployed large scale ICT projects. Having published more than sixty research papers in National and International Journals with impact factors, his research interests include Wireless, Networking, Cloud Computing, Image Processing Big Data, IoT and industrial automation systems.
Digvijay Pandey is a Lecturer, Department of Technical Education, Research Scholar, IET Lucknow, India. [Editor]