Digital technology platforms are evolving, with IoT platforms integrating complex info
Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan holds a Ph.D. degree in microelectronics and a Master of International Business (MIB) degree. He is Chief Scientist at SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway. His research interests are in the area of mixed-signal embedded electronics and cognitive communication systems. Dr. Vermesan received SINTEF's 2003 award for research excellence for his work on
the implementation of a biometric sensor system. He is currently working on projects addressing nano-electronics, integrated sensor/actuator systems, communication, cyber-physical systems and the IoT, with applications in green mobility, energy, autonomous systems and smart cities. He has authored or co-authored over 85 technical articles and conference papers. He is actively involved in the activities of the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) Joint Technology Initiative (JTI). He has coordinated and managed various national, EU and other international projects related to integrated electronics. Dr. Vermesan actively participates in national, H2020 EU and other international initiatives by coordinating and managing various projects. He is the coordinator of the IoT European Research Cluster (IERC) and a member of the board of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI).
policy for the Internet of Things. Before working in this field, he was programme officer in "Future Internet Experimental Platforms", head of the sector "Virtual Physiological Human" in the ICT for health domain. From 1999 to 2003, he was head of the sector "networked organisations" in the eBusiness unit. He started working with the European Commission in 1993, in the Software Engineering Unit of the ESPRIT Programme. He started his carrier as visiting scientist for Quantel a LASER company in San Jose, California in 1981.
From 1983 to 1987, he was with Thomson CSF (Thales) as software development engineer for a Radar System. From 1987 to 1991, he worked with the European Space Agency as software engineer on the European Space shuttle and international Space platform programmes (ISS). From 1991 to 1993 he was with Eurocontrol where he was Quality manager of an Air Traffic
Control system. He is an engineer in computer science from Institut Superieur d'Electronique du Nord (ISEN) and he has a MBA from Webster University, Missouri.