Young Ralph explores the world with his friend, the boy Bing. But being an impish rodent, Ralph finds some habits hard to break. Now Ralph is not allowed to attend Bing's birthday party! However, when a bunch of overinflated balloons unexpectedly carry Bing away by, can Ralph save the day?
Befriending people and the other zodiac animals, can Ralph show he’s got the right stuff? Illustrating expressive characters and vibrant action, artist Jeremiah Alcorn creates an inviting new world for readers to explore. Tales from the Chinese Zodiac is a popular annual children’s book series showcasing the twelve charming animals that embody the Chinese New Year.
Ralph’s fanciful flight to discover his true nature will delight children and adults alike. Kids love identifying with how each animal embarks on a unique quest to discover his or her own character: Bright and dynamic illustrations will appeal to parents, those interested in Asian culture, and, of course, dog lovers.
Teachers appreciate how Tales from the Chinese Zodiac is the only English series on each of the animals of the Chinese lunar calendar. Librarians like how it one of the longest-running children's book series featuring Asian American themes. Now readers everywhere can enjoy these entertaining and original tales.
"Chin’s story brings the Year of the Rat to life with his endearing characters and an amusing storyline. The cartoon-like drawings by Miah Alcorn, who has partnered with Chin for all three books, bring enthusiasm and added energy to Chin’s tale and characters. Though recommended for elementary students, The Year of the Rat is steeped in Asian culture and will appeal to readers of all ages. And even if readers cannot engage personally with the traits of the Rat, they will certainly be able to identify with Ralph’s feats and struggles.”
- Paper Tigers
“RBF Approved - We Tested, We Love: The illustrated children's book The Year of the Rat by Oliver Chin is super cute about a little rat who gets into trouble with the family of humans he lives with because he gnaws a little too much and hoards items he shouldn't be hoarding. Bright, colorful illustrations, a cute cast of characters and a lesson that sometimes we need to be true to ourselves made this a delightful read."
- Rare Bird Finds
“This story is just so sweet and the illustrations have that beautiful classic cartoon feel. Makes me proud to be a rat!”
- Coquette