Nuno M. Garcia holds a PhD in computer science engineering from the University of Beira Interior (UBI, Covilha, Portugal) (2008). He is assistant professor at UBI and invited associate professor at the Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Lisbon, Portugal). He was founder and is coordinator of the Assisted Living Computing and Telecommunications Laboratory (ALLab), a research group within the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes at UBI. He was also co-founder and is coordinator of the BSAFE LAB - Law enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research laboratory in UBI. He is the coordinator of the Cisco Academy at UBI and head of EyeSeeLab in EyeSee Lda. (Lisbon, Portugal). He is also chair of the COST Action IC1303 AAPELE - Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments.
Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues is a professor in the Department of Informatics of the University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal, and senior researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal. He received the habilitation in computer science and engineering from the University of Haute Alsace, France; a PhD in informatics engineering; an MSc from the University of Beira Interior; and a five-year BSc (licentiate) in informatics engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His main research interests include sensor networks, e-health, e-learning, vehicular delay-tolerant networks, and mobile and ubiquitous computing. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on E-Health and Medical Communications, the editor-in-chief of the Recent Advances on Communications and Networking Technology, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Multimedia Information Systems, and editorial board member of several journals.