The novel consists of variant stories with a hope that what I felt while writing,the readers will also feel the same while reading if it's a successful novel of mine.
Everytime I go through this I fall in love with this more and more,
I hope the same with the readers too,
Because what the author feels reders can feel somehow always more than that.
Me myself is a soft cornered heart girl who has completed her academic life journey mostly by staying at hostel. I am a kind of girl who is highly passionate about expressing her feelings in words .I love to read novels, various story books at leisure time and listening songs is also amongst all my leisure time work.Through academic view I am a college going student pursuing for English Honours not only with a purpose to earn money rather to provide knowledge to one who in literal sense are interested but aren't able to hire due to lack of money.I always had the maximum love for my writing courier and once I wrote down a line for it,
I have got published in many of the ongoing anthologies which were a great help for me because we always step in the staircases 1stly by stepping at the lowest one same was with me I always submitted a single poem for anthologies in the books but now it's a time I am eligible to write my own novel which really added laurels to the pride of my family.