Animation is the optical illusion of motion
created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. In film and
video production, this refers to techniques by which each frame of a film or
movie is produced individually. Computer animation is the art of creating moving
images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and
animation. Anime is a medium of animation originating in Japan, with distinctive
character and background aesthetics that visually set it apart from other forms
of animation. An animated cartoon is a short, hand-drawn (or made with computers
to look similar to something hand-drawn) moving picture for the cinema, TV or
computer screen, featuring some kind of story or plot (even if it is a very
short one). Manga is the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons. Outside of
Japan, it usually refers specifically to Japanese comics. Special effects
(abbreviated SPFX or SFX) are used in the film, television, and entertainment
industry to visualize scenes that cannot be achieved by normal means, such as
space travel. Stop motion is a generic gereral term for an animation technique
which makes static objects appear to move.
Owner and manager with MultiMedia SRL and MultiMedia Publishing House.
Project Coordinator for European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD)
Member of Rotary Club Bucuresti Atheneum
Cofounder and ex-president of the Mehedinti Branch of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
Member of Internet Society
Initiator, cofounder and ex-president of Romanian Teleworking Society
Cofounder and ex-president of the Mehedinti Branch of the General Association of Engineers in Romania
Physicist engineer - Bachelor of Science (Physics, Major Nuclear Physics). Master of Philosophy.
Services: web design, e-commerce and other web applications * internet marketing, SEO, online advertising, branding * software localization, English - Romanian - French translation * articles, desktop publishing, secretarial services * powerpoint, word and pdf presentation, image, audio and video editing * book and e-book conversion, editing and publishing , isbn