Born under extraordinary circumstances, Ashwathama, son of the legendary warrior Drona, is destined for a life unlike any other. Trained alongside the Pandavas and Kauravas, he finds himself bound by loyalty to the Kaurava prince, Duryodhana. As the great war of Kurukshetra engulfs the land, Ashwathama unleashes his prowess, but a fateful night of bloodshed leads to an unforgivable act.
Cursed with immortality by Krishna, Ashwathama is condemned to walk the earth, forever burdened by the weight of his actions. Witness to the rise and fall of empires, he grapples with the meaning of duty, the cost of war, and the unbearable loneliness of eternity.
Will Ashwathama ever find redemption? Can a man cursed with immortality find peace?
This captivating novel delves into the Mahabharata from Ashwathama's perspective, offering a fresh take on one of India's greatest epics. Perfect for readers who enjoy mythology, fantasy, and stories that explore the complexities of human nature.