Rashid A. Ganeev, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. Prof. Ganeev is well known for his analysis of the nonlinear optical properties of various materials and the nanoripples formation. He has published five monographs based on these studies (High-Order Harmonic Generation in Laser Plasma Plumes, Imperial College Press, London, 2012, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Materials, Springer, 2013, Laser-Surface Interactions, Springer, 2013, Plasma Harmonics, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014, Frequency Conversion of Ultrashort Pulses in Extended Laser-Produced Plasmas, Springer, 2016). Prof. Ganeev is a first co-author of most of his 320 publications in peer-reviewed journals. In 2002, the International Commission for Optics awarded him the ICO Galileo Galilei Award for the contribution in the nonlinear optics. In 2011, he was awarded by Khwarizmi International Award. In 2008, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) elected him a Fellow of TWAS.