Nancy R. Mitchell is an established protocol and etiquette consultant and advisor with more than thirty-five years of experience in the field. Currently, she is an adjunct faculty member at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., where she developed and teaches protocol courses in the School of Business and Public Management's Event Management Certificate Program. For more than two decades, she served as director of special events and protocol at the U.S. Library of Congress, the world's largest library and cultural center. In her position there, Ms. Mitchell and her staff coordinated the institution's major special events, visits of heads of state and other dignitaries, fundraising galas, conferences, and meetings. As the Library's chief protocol advisor, she served as liaison to the White House, the U.S Department of State, Congress, the Supreme Court, and other government agencies, embassies, academia, and corporations.
Ms. Mitchell owns The Etiquette Advocate, a firm providing etiquette and protocol training and consulting to corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, embassies, universities, and the travel and hospitality industry. She is quoted on matters of etiquette and protocol by CNN, ABC Nightline, Martha Stewart Living Radio, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Washington Business Journal, the Associated Press and Washingtonian magazine, and has been featured on ABC Good Morning America, Fox News, and National Public Radio. She is co-owner and founding partner of the firm, Protocol Partners-Washington Center for Protocol.