Neele Larondelle is a PhD candidate working on sustainability scenarios of urban ecosystem services at the Deparment of Landscape Ecology of the Humboldt University in Berlin. She holds a Master of Science in Nature Resource Management from Technical University Dresden. Her recent publications include “Urban ecosystem services assessment along a rural–urban gradient: A cross-analysis of European cities” in Ecological Indicators.
Angela Reeve is a PhD candidate at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, investigating the potential for biophilic urbanism (nature-loving cities) to respond to multiple, critical challenges facing Australian cities. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Griffith University, and is a Senior Researcher with the Natural Edge Research Centre.
Martina Artmann is a PhD candidate at the research group Urban and Landscape Ecology at the University of Salzburg, Austria. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science from University of Hohenheim, Germany, and a Master’s degree in Landscape, Regional and Urban Management from University of Salzburg. Her main research interest is in the efficient practice implementation of urban sustainability strategies. Her recent publications include “Assessment of Soil Sealing Management Responses, Strategies and Targets Toward Ecologically Sustainable Urban Land Use Management” in AMBIO.