Dominique Fabre possesses a unique voice among contemporary French novelists. Focusing on the lives of individuals on the margins of society, his work combines somber, subdued realism with lyrical perception. Fabre has produced 22 works of fiction over the last 25 years. In 1995 Maurice Nadeau published Fabre’s first novel, Moi aussi un jour j’irai loin, to much critical acclaim. His Fantômes (Serpent à plumes) received the Marcel Pagnol prize in 2001. In 2008, Archipelago published his novel The Waitress Was New, translated by Jordan Stump, and New Vessel Press published his novel, Guys Like Me, in 2015.
Anna Lehmann has translated selected songs from Patrick Modiano’s Fonds de tiroir for Harper’s Magazine. In 2019, The New York Review Children’s Collection published her translation of Yvan Pommaux’s All of Us. She lives in New York City.