Svetlin G. Georgiev (born 05 April 1974, Rouse, Bulgaria) is a mathematician who has worked in various areas of mathematics. He currently focuses on harmonic analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, Clifford and quaternion analysis, integral equations and dynamic calculus on time scales.
Khaled Zennir was born in Skikda, Algeria, in 1982. He received his PhD in Mathematics in 2013 from Sidi Bel Abb├иs University, Algeria (Assist. Professor). He obtained his highest diploma in Algeria (Habilitation, Mathematics) from Constantine University, Algeria, in May 2015 (Assoc. Professor). He is now Associate Professor at Qassim University, KSA. His research interests lie in nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations: global existence, blow-up and long time behavior.