His works received several awards, including a DAGM-Prize 2002, Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth Prize 2003, DAGM-Main Prize 2005, IVCNZ best student paper award, DAGM-Main Prize 2007, Olympus-Prize 2007, ICPRAM Best student paper award 2014, ICMC Best student paper award 2014, the WACV 2015 Challenge Award, the Günter Enderle Award (Eurographics) 2017 and the CVPR 2017 Multi-Object Tracking Challenge. In 2011, the European Commission awarded Bodo Rosenhahn with a 1.43 million Euros ERC-Starting Grant and in 2013 with a POC Grant. He published more than 180 research papers, journal articles and book chapters, holds more than 10 patents and edited several books.