Dr. Mehdi Toloo is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Ostrava, and Faculty of BusinessAdministration, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic. He received his Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics and his Ph.D. in Operations Research. Dr. Toloo’s areas of interest include Operations Research, Decision Analysis, PerformanceEvaluation, Multi-Objective Programming, and Mathematical Modelling. He has contributed to numerous international conferencesas a chair, keynote speaker, and member of the scientific committee. He is an area editor for the Elsevier journal Computers andIndustrial Engineering and an associate editor for RAIRO-Operations Research. His publications include the book Introduction toScientific Computing: 100 Problems and Solutions in Pascal and papers in top-tier journals such as Applied Mathematics andComputers, Applied Mathematic Modeling, Expert Systems with Applications, and Computers and Mathematics with Applications.
Dr. Siamak Talatahari received his Ph.D degree in Structural Engineering from University of Tabriz, Iran. After graduation, hejoined the University of Tabriz where he is presently Professor of Structural Engineering. He is the author of more than 100 paperspublished in international journals, 30 papers presented at international conferences and 8 international book chapters. Dr. Talataharihas been recognized as Distinguished Scientist in the Ministry of Science and Technology and as Distinguished Professor at theUniversity of Tabriz. He also teaches at the Yakin Dogu University, Nicosia, Cyprus. In addition, he is a co-author with our authorXin-She Yang of Swarm Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Computation: Structural Optimization Using Krill Herd Algorithm;Metaheuristics in Water, Geotechnical and Transport Engineering, and Metaheuristic Applications in Structures andInfrastructures, all published by as Insights by Elsevier.
Iman Rahimi, PhD, earned his BSc (Applied Mathematics) in 2009, MSc (Applied Mathematics – Operations Research) in 2011 and his PhD in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2017. He is now working at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, as a research scholar. His research interests include machine learning and multiobjective optimization. He also has edited three books entitled "Evolutionary Computation in Scheduling", "Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management: Theory and Applications", and "Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Solution Methods" with Wiley, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), and Elsevier, respectively. He has served as an editor for the following journals: International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET) and International Journal of Advanced Heuristic and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms. Besides, he has acted as a reviewer for "International Journal of Production Research (Q1 JRC ranking)" and "Research in Transportation Business & Management (Q3 JCR ranking)". He also received several awards namely, research grants from "University of Tabriz (Iran)", "Iran National Science Foundation", "International Research Scholarship (Australia)", "Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Scholarship (Australia)", and "Nicolas Baudin Scholarship" from Embassy of France in Australia.