Mani Kapoor
I finally found about these topic on internet which can describe about information, information and technology, Technology, Technologies, computer, ICT, elements, Applications, Applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), E-governace, Transportation, • Pharmaceuticals, • Physically Challenged, ICT user interface, GUI, Graphical user interface, Menu driven interface, Comman Line Interface, Input, output, input and output devices, keyboards, pointing devices, audio, video, visual reference, card readers, sensers, remote controls, loud speakers, Expert System in ICT, booking system, banking payment system, payroll processing, Trends in ICT, mobile learning, cloud computing, one to one, computing, gaming, • Personalized computing/learning, Effect of ICT, Social effect, health effect of ICT, Issues of ICT, Digital divide, Internet safety issue, ICT infrastructure, • Significance of ICT from a macroeconomic perspective, business card, Flyers, Implementation of ICT.Thanks Author who gave me this book
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