In order to move beyond a Western-centered idea of peace psychology, the volume is divided into two major parts. The first half of the volume puts an emphasis on peace psychology research and praxis in a number of geohistorical contexts, including Malaysia, Northern Ireland, Thailand, and Kashmir, that bear on conflict, harmony and equity in human relations. Chapters in the second half of the volume fulfill the mandate of Biennial Symposia; namely, to create more equity in the production of peace theory and praxis by bringing forward the voices of scholars and change agents that are often unheard in peace discourses, including a number of scholars and chapters from South Africa. Additionally, throughout the chapters, the authors and editors of the volume emphasize emancipatory agendas as an important alternative to militarism and state-sponsored violence.
With the aim of bringing forward voices from cultures and situations that are typically not included or highly visible in peace discourses, Enlarging the Scope of Peace Psychology in Invited and Invented Spaces: African and World-Regional Contributions is a thought-provoking, timely, and informative work. Psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, activists, public-policy makers, and all those interested in promoting peace and justice, are sure to find this an invaluable and illuminating resource.