Prof. dr. Barcelo Damia, Director of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) and Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Barcelona, Spain. His expertise is in water quality assessment and management, fate, risk and removal of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants and analysis, fate and risk of emerging contaminants and nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. He published over 900 papers, 200 book chapters and has h index 91. He was a coordinator of several national and EU projects and at the moment he coordinates two EU projects: GLOBAQUA, on multiple stressors in the aquatic environment and SEA-on-a-CHIP, on the development of sensor technolgies for emerging contamaints in marine aquaculture. He is CoEditor in Chief of the journal Science of Total Environment and the book series Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, both form Elsevier..
Dr. Sandra Pérez Solsona, (80 publications and 17 book chapters; H-index=27), Barcelona (Spain). Since May 2005, research associate at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDÆA-CSIC in Barcelona (Spain). She has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona (2003). Postdoctoral researcher at the State University of New York at Buffalo (2003-2005). Her work is focused on studying the occurrence, distribution and degradation of pollutants in the aquatic environment. Use of advanced mass spectrometry techniques such as the hybrid techniques UPLC-QToF-MS and UPLC-QExactive-MS, for the structural elucidation of novel transformation products and metabolites of organic pollutants. She uses suspect screening and non-target approaches based on high resolution MS for the detection of polar emerging contaminants and for assessing their elimination and transformation in both natural processes and engineered systems. She has been involved in different EU projects (EMCO, SANDRINE and GLOBAQUA), NSF projects in EEUU and Spanish national projects (CEMAGUA and SCARCE). Principal investigator of CSI-Environment (Marie Curie Actions ITN CSI:Environment PITN-GA-2010-264329).