Thematic Coverage
The first of the thematic volumes covers Adult Clinical Applications. Adults are the most common population encountered by researchers, clinicians, and students, and therefore more than 150 entries were needed to cover all necessary methods. The second volume covers Child Clinical Applications in 140 entries. One especially useful aspect of this volume will be the complications sections, addressing "what can go wrong" in working with children. This is an area often overlooked in journal articles on the subject. Volume III, Educational Applications, addresses a range of strategies and principles of applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support, and behavior modification and therapy. These entries focus on classroom and school contexts in which the instructional and behavioral interactions between teachers and their learners are emphasized.
Unique, Easy-to-Follow Format
Each of the volumes′ entries address a full range of mental health conditions and their respective treatments, with the aim of providing systematic and scientific evaluation of clinical interventions in a fashion which will lend itself to the particular style of treatment common to behavior modification.
Major entries for specific strategies follow a similar format:
1. Description of the Strategy
2. Research Basis
3. Relevant Target Populations and Exceptions
4. Complications
5. Case Illustration
6. Suggested Readings
7. Key Words
Biographical sketches include the following:
1. Birthplace and Date
2. Early Influences
3. Education History
4. Professional Models
5. Major Contributions to the Field
6. Current Work and Views
7. Future Plans
This encyclopedia was designed to enhance the resources available to students, scholars, practitioners, and other interested social science readers. The use of in-text citations, jargon, and descriptions of research designs and statistics has been minimized, making this an accessible, comprehensive resource for students and scholars alike. Academic and research librarians in the social sciences, health, and medicine will all find this an invaluable addition to their collections.
Key Features
Volume Editors
Volume I: Adult Clinical Applications
Michel Hersen & Johan Rosqvist
Pacific University
Volume II: Child Clinical Applications
Alan M. Gross & Ronald S. Drabman
University of Mississippi
Volume III: Educational Applications
George Sugai & Robert Horner
University of Oregon
Advisory Board
Thomas M. Achenbach, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont
Stewart W. Agras, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science, Stanford University School of Medicine
David H. Barlow, Ph.D., ABPP
Center of Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University
Alan S. Bellack, Ph.D., ABPP
Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Edward B. Blanchard, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of Albany, SUNY
James E. Carr, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Western Michigan University
Anthony J. Cuvo, Ph.D.
Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University
Gerald C. Davison, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of Southern California
Eric F. Dubow, Ph.D.
Psychology Department, Bowling Green State University
Rex L. Forehand, Ph.D.
Psychology Department, University of Vermont
Arnold A. Lazarus, Ph.D., ABPP
Center for Multimodal Psychological Services
Robert P. Liberman, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry, West Louisiana VA Medical Center
Scott O. Lilienfeld, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Emory University
Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., ABPP
Department of Psychology, University of Washington
Nathaniel McConaghy, DSc, M.D.
School of Psychiatry, University of N.S.W, Australia
Rosemery O. Nelson-Gray, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Lars-Göran Öst, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
Alan D. Poling, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Western Michigan University
Wendy K. Silverman, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Florida International University
Gail Steketee, Ph.D.
School of Social Work, Boston University
Douglas W. Woods, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Michel Hersen (Ph.D., ABPP, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1966) is Professor and Dean of the School of Professional Psychology at Pacific University. He completed his post-doctoral training at the West Have VA (Yale University School of Medicine Program). He is Past President of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. He has coauthored and co-edited 146 books and has published 225 scientific journal articles. He is co-editor of several psychological journals, including Behavior Modification, Aggression & Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, Clinical Psychology Review, and Journal of Family Violence. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anxiety Disorders and of Clinical Case Studies, which is totally devoted to description of clients and patients treated with psychotherapy. He is Editor-in-Chief of the 4-volume work, Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment. He has been the recipient of numerous grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Department of Education, the National Institute of Disabilities and Rehabilitation Research, and the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Professional Psychology, Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Distinguished Practitioner and Member of the National Academy of Practice in Psychology, and recipient of the Distinguished Career Achievement Award in 1996 from the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists and Psychodiagnosticians. Finally, at one point in his career, he was in full-time private practice and on several occasions he has had part-time private practices.