Tereza Raquel Merlo is a researcher, professor, practitioner, and consultant working for the University of North Texas, where she teaches courses in Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies. She is CEO of Merlo Management Consulting, providing solutions to businesses around the globe. She is an avid investigator focused on Knowledge Management Systems and their impact on organizational operations and strategies. Her professional interests include business strategies and process improvement, sales strategies, knowledge management, business intelligence, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and leadership. She received her Ph.D in Organizational Management with a minor in Information Technologies, and holds two Master degrees in Information Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBa) and University of North Texas. Dr. Merlo has been the recipient of multiple awards for leadership, data and project management, information literacy, diversity and inclusion, and business development. She was also the recipient of multiple scholarships, including Coordenacão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for her Master research and Fundação de Amparo à pesquisa do estado da Bahia (Fapesb) for research focusing on digital repositories in a post graduate program at UNIFACS University in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Dr. Merlo is part of scientific committees for Knowledge and Performance Management, Knowledge-Based System, and the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management journals, among others. Dr. Merlo serves on the international advisory board for the International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), having served as co-chair, organizing the 15th, 18th, and 19th annual ICKM Conferences. Dr. Merlo was the Keynote Speaker for the 15th and 18th ICKM Conferences at the University of Santa Catarina, Brazil in 2019, and 2023. In addition, she has a background as a consultant and professional in the field of library management and has built several information units, including libraries and archives. She worked for the City of Austin, Texas for a decade, where she managed multiple projects within Information Sciences, chaired the Culture and Diversity Committee for several years and had an active role serving as chair for the Texas Library Association. Dr. Merlo was the recipient of the Junior Guild Award in 2015 for best project and leadership on diversity and inclusion in public libraries in the state of Texas. Dr. Merlo’s research interests include Knowledge Management Systems (tools, technologies, governance, and processes), information systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, business intelligence, data analytics and governance, leadership, and cloud computing. Her professional experience in the private sector includes work at multiple Fortune 100 companies. She is the editor and author of the book Understanding, Implementing, and Evaluating Knowledge Management in Business Settings by IGI-Global. [Editor]