Eva Millien
Winning Dacia will be a uphill battle for Preston but he’s prepared to do what it takes hopefully before Dacia’s father can drive them apart…permanently in this thrilling paranormal romance. I have to say that this series just keeps getting better and better with every story and this one had me completely enthralled from beginning to end. And wow, I love the vivid image of Dacia’s tattoo that the author provided but hey I want to know what Preston decided on…I know he had to get one. “Copyright Night Owl Reviews”© See my full review at: Night Owl Reviews .com
Megan Kahlbaugh
While reading Brandy L Rivers’ newest Others of Edenton story, I openly admitted to her that I had never really liked either of the main characters and was hesitant to believe that she could make me care about them. But, to quote myself in a conversation with Brandy, “I'm only 41% through but absolutely love Preston and Dacia ... I was on the fence about Preston for a while but you've really made him into someone pretty awesome.” It takes a talented writer to be able to completely turn around a reader’s opinion about characters. After seven books of not liking either Preston or Dacia, I can honestly say that I didn’t care if either of them ever got a happy ending. I now see how wrong I was. It’s like our parents, teachers, etcetera are always telling us: don’t judge a book by its cover. In Mending Scars - the eighth installment of the Others of Edenton – Rivers makes her readers re-think everything they thought they knew about the cavalier mage and haughty half-fey. Never expecting to settle down, Preston has finally figured out just want he wants, but what he wants is Dacia. Dacia – hurt countless times in the past - doesn’t trust easily, so when Preston comes knocking,