The author clearly has not researched or had any experience with military operations. it is also very insulting to refer to the people where the first chapter was set as just "Asian". Pick a country, there are MANY countries IN Asia, name them appropriately. Spelling and grammar errors were jarring and appeared too often to believe this was edited by anyone close to professional. Repetitive phrases and lack lustre story telling added to my boredom. Did we really need to know every action, every step the characters made? DNF
Anita Hillman
I was disappointed in all the spelling errors in the book; just a few instances: theiving room,( living room), wine for mine, other for mother, hip for Chip, organ for Morgan and many more! other than that it was a pretty good story.
Timothy Mong
The story was good and could have been a wonderful book. The writing was sophomoric. Every thing was "excellent " or "great" or "wonderful " . There wasn't much reality in it. Please keep writing and work on the story. Thank you for this book.