Melba Falck Reyes is Professor-Researcher, Pacific Studies Department, University of Guadalajara. She received her Ph.D. in Transpacific International Relations from University of Colima, México and her M.A. and Ph.D. candidacy in Economics from University of Colorado, USA. Her area of research is International Economics and Japan-Mexico economic relations. She is member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.
She participated in the Study Group of Japan-Mexico Economic Parterniship (2001). She had been visiting professor at the Institute of Developing Economies and at Kyoto University in Japan. She coordinated two series of books on Asia-Pacific and has authored articles in specialized journals, chapters on books and co-edited several books. She received a Commendation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for the Promotion of Mutual Understanding between Japan and Mexico (2015).
Leo Guzman-Anaya obtained his Master Degree in Economics in 2008 from Tokyo International University, Japan, and his Ph.D. in Economics and Management Science from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Main research interests are focused on inter-industrial spillover effects and localization factors associated to Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico. He has been a visiting researcher at Sophia University and Seijo University in Japan and has authored several articles and book chapters related to Japanese FDI in Mexico. He is currently a Level-1 member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.
Emma Mendoza Martínez obtained her Ph.D and M.A. in Japanese studies by El Colegio de Mexico. Main research interests have been focused on social movements in Japan, decision-making process of nuclear power policies in Japan, Japanese migration to Mexico at the beginning of twentieth century, and Japanese investment in the automotive sector in Mexico and the implications for the local economy. She has been invited researcher at Hokkaido University and Osaka University and carried out research stays in other universities in Japan. She was editor of the book Collective Action in Asia and Latin America, and has been coordinator of Japan Section of Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios de Asia y África (ALADAA).Maria Guadalupe Lugo-Sanchez received her Master Degree in Business and Economic Studies in 2011 from the University of Guadalajara, is Ph.D. candidate of the program of Public Policies and Development from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Main research interest is Economic Policy and trade between Japan and Mexico.
Has participated as a speaker at seminars at Seijo University in Tokyo, Japan, and participated in academic activities related with the promotion of research with private companies, government agencies and Universities.