Here's what you’ll discover when you read this book:
* The single most important factor in getting a cheap car insurance quote; ignore it and your chances of getting a better rate are near to zero.
* What car insurance companies don't want you to know - a revealing look at how insurance companies determine your premium and how to take advantage of it.
* The number one mistake made by car insurance seekers (that severely hamper their chances of getting a cheaper quote) - and how to avoid it.
* What is hidden behind the questions that companies ask you on their car insurance application form; How to answer them so that you get a better quote.
* Are you satisfied with your current agent and don't want to switch insurers? we will show you a simple trick that will practically "force" your agent to reduce your rate.
* How to get car insurance discounts and concessions.
* Clever ideas and strategies for lowering your auto insurance premium.
If you're really interested in slashing a big chunk off of your car insurance costs you absolutely need to have this book.