Granted, the seemingly unstoppable successes committed by nations like the USA and contemporary People’s Republic of China are mesmerizing and worth studying. Notwithstanding, as the adage says, ‘Life isn’t a smooth one’, and it is usual for us to be trapped in ordeals, let alone the nations hindered by unprecedented facets. As a result, it is pivotal to understand how devastated states can be bailed out from apocalypses. Germany can be a good, if not the best, case for investigation, as it managed to recover from crises like World Wars and Napoleonic War by utilizing different means. It is our prospect that by digging deep into the recovery of Germany can readers understand that Rome was not built in one day, and that recovery is by no means an easy mission. Henceforth, readers may seek to advocate for peace instead of conflicts.
Maverick is a HKU Business and Law student and is the Internal Vice Chairperson as well as the Publication Secretary of History Society A.A.H.K.U. during 2022 - 2023. He is a 20th century History fan, and these interests motivated him to join the History Society and publish this newsletter. If you are interested in having a small discussion with him, feel free to connect with Maverick on Linkedin!