A Google user
I bought a few copies of this book because I was looking for something to round out the “dorky-cool skateboard kid who’s a little funnier and smarter than everyone else” category of my 6th grade book clubs. They are going to love it because they will relate to it, the writing is funny and accessible, there are rad drawings here and there throughout, and they all feel at least 70% like Matthew.
As a teacher, I like it because the narrator has a clear voice, the plot and pacing are good, and it’s a good length and high-interest for my reluctant readers. For my eager readers, I can’t wait to use it to point out how specific, thoughtful details can totally make characterization and setting (both of which were very entertaining in this book). My enthusiastic writers will eat this up too. Look! You don’t have to write about vampires or dystopia to tell a cool story! You might know a cool story or two too!
And as for my own personal review, it’s just a huge smile-inducer. It made me feel nostalgic for those first boyfriend, plan hatching days of high school.
A Google user
Great little book, super witty, great drawings. Made me miss being a teenager and all that it brings- All the angst! All the fun! All that drama. Definitely made me laugh out loud a lot!