The repertoires of institutional and administrative governance tools used during the pandemic are studied in their unique institutional, socio-geographic, and cultural settings, in order to form an understanding of the political climates and the values inscribed in current societal contracts.
The book is intended for academic audiences interested in policy research, health governance, and civil societal issues. It will be of great relevance and use for a wide audience of policymakers, public officials, and health care planners as well as students in a broad range of disciplines.
Matilda Hellman is a sociologist and a research director at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Her research concerns understandings and articulations of lifestyles, health, and social marginalization. She has focused especially on how governance, policies, and institutions embed and produce views on questions such as drug use, alcohol policy, gambling, and brain-based addiction, and how these affect individuals, groups, and societies.
Tom Kettunen is the managing editor of Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, a social science journal specializing in publishing research on comparative settings within the frameworks of social welfare and political policymaking. With a background in philosophy and gender studies, his academic interests also include diversity in science publishing, publishing ethics, lifestyles, and addictions.
Saara Salmivaara is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Helsinki. Her research interests include the role of science in society, as well as styles of reasoning and modes of justification in reactions to contemporary issues regarding health and environment.
Janne Stoneham is a master’s student in sociology and co-author to the forthcoming book Addiction in the Brain: Expectations and Ethical Considerations (2022). His research interests lie in the philosophy of science, epistemology, and anti-essentialist ontologies.