It is divided into two groups. Those communities who have the longest lived peoples in the world. Lots of lifestyle and diet data is included for them.
The second group are another set of communities which have high average ages which people live to but are not quite the outliers that the first group is.
I’ve also tried to provide some general lifestyle and diet guidelines to give an idea of why these places are different for longevity purposes.
The first four communities were also profiled in my book “Diets and Lifestyles of the World's Oldest Peoples & 32 Longevity Recipes” which goes into lot of details about these four locations including traditional recipes.
Overall, I think you will get a better idea of what the reasons are why people live a long time in these locations around the world which may give you ideas about adapting your lifestyle and diets to have maximum longevity.
Martin is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. He has a B.S. degree in Engineering Science from Renesselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1977. He has also done extensive graduate work in management and computer science. His career includes many years working for Fortune 100 companies. His books are an outgrowth of his views on Science, Metaphysics, Longevity, and other unusual subjects