Get on the fast track to becoming CompTIA RFID+ certified with this affordable, portable study tool. Inside, RFID experts guide you on your career path, providing expert tips and sound advice along the way. With an intensive focus on only what you need to know to pass the CompTIA RFID+ exam, this certification passport is your ticket to success on exam day.
Mike Meyers is the bestselling author of six editions of CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide and several other computer books. He is the president and founder of Total Seminars, LLC, a major provider of PC and network repair seminars for thousands of organizations throughout the world, and a member of CompTIA.
Mark Brown is vice president of professional services at RFID4U.
Sam Patadia is vice president of knowledge solutions at RFID4U.
Sanjiv Dua is CEO of RFID4U, a world leader in RFID learning solutions and a cornerstone member of the CompTIA RFID+ committee.