They ignite Holy Fire that transforms lukewarm and spiritually-hungry Christians into supernatural warriors.
Revival pundits will share all their ideas about how you might experience a spiritual awakening. That might inspire a temporary revival that fizzles out. However reality hits and you're left picking up the pieces: nations crumbling under crises of immorality, the celebration of sin, and the deep fear of the future. What does the future look like for you and your kids?
But then there are experienced voices that mobilize believers. They carry a prophetic edge and anointing. They aren't predicting something to come “one day, some day”; they are provoking us to not settle for anything less than God’s supernatural plan of revival and awakening here and now.
And they give us a battle plan and strategy for how to get there!
Bestselling author Mario Murillo is a signs and wonders evangelist, prophetic voice for the nation of America, and a bold voice to release truth and sanity in times of cultural upheaval. He hasn’t merely been an eyewitness to the great moves of God over these last decades, he’s stood on the frontlines with some of the greatest men and women of God, witnessing the good, the bad, and the ugly.
After a season of painstaking research, Mario Murillo penned this bestselling classic, Reaching Critical Mass as a gift to the body of Christ with this exhortation: it’s possible to have revival now. And he provides time-tested, biblical “how to’s” that answer questions like:
“Critical Mass” refers to the minimum amount of radioactive material that can–and will–sustain a nuclear chain of glory in our nations. You have two options in this hour: 1) Sit idly and watch society collapse around you, leaving no hope for future generations; or 2) embrace the call that you are commissioned for: a revivalist who brings dead things back to life!
Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the riot-torn University of California at Berkeley. He was rejected until a desperate prayer season resulted in supernatural power. It began with preaching that was different than students had heard before. Then the students began to report healings in the name of Jesus. A 4-day crusade in San Jose, California, lasting 6 months with a total of over 250,000 people, birthed an international ministry that is reaching millions!
Bill Johnson is the senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and serves a growing number of churches that cross denominational lines. Along with his wife, Beni, who went home to be with the Lord in 2022, they are both bestselling authors, Bill of When Heaven Invades Earth and Hosting the Presence, and Beni of The Power of Communion.