Marianne Hundt is Professor of English Linguistics at Universität Zürich. Her research interests include grammatical variation and change in World Englishes. As a corpus-linguist, she has compiled and worked with corpora in World Englishes research and historical linguistics. She is the author of English Mediopassive Constructions (2007), co-author of Change in Contemporary English: A Grammatical Study (2009) and co-editor of English World-Wide.
Sandra Mollin is senior lecturer in English Linguistics at the Universität Heidelberg. Her research focuses on phraseology, varieties of English and the combination of corpus linguistic and psycholinguistic methodology. She is the author of The (Ir)Reversibility of English Binomials (2014) and Euro-English: Assessing Variety Status (2006).
Simone E. Pfenninger is Assistant Professor at Universität Salzburg. Her principal research areas are multilingualism, psycholinguistics and individual differences in second language acquisition, especially in regard to quantitative approaches and statistical methods and techniques for language application in education. She is the co-editor of the Second Language Acquisition book series for Multilingual Matters.