He is M. Sc in Biotechnology with 12+ years of professional experience. Currently, Manoj is National President and Trustee of Power In Me Foundation. They work for the rights of people with rare diseases and their families. He is recipeint of Rex Karmaveer Chakra, Bronze Medal Instituted by icongo and recognised by United Nations. He has also won best motivational speaker award in 2019. He is also a rare warrior fighting with Hemophilia a rare bleeding disorder. He is a life coach, podcaster, publisher, author, poet, trainer, motivational speaker , content writer, social entrepreneur and social worker. He has written many scientific, fiction and poetry books. For him words have power to heal , thus he writes to heal self and shares to help others heal. You can follow him on all social media paltforms and listen to his content on podcast names dilse_manoj. Instagram@manojkumarsingh_