The Rise of Blockchain Applications in Customer Experience provides an overview of how blockchain influences consumers and considers the key characteristics of blockchain models for institutional success. Covering key topics such as online customer experiences, customer satisfaction, and consumer behavior, this premier reference source is ideal for business owners, managers, policymakers, scholars, researchers, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.
Kwame Simpe Ofori is currently a PhD student at the Department of Operations and Management Information Systems at the University of Ghana Business School. He has taught courses in areas of Finance and Telecommunications Engineering. He holds a Doctorate Degree in Finance. His research interests are in the areas of consumer behaviour, technology adoption, trust in online systems and PLS path modelling. His papers have appeared in Marketing Intelligence and Planning, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence and African Journal of Economic and Management Studies.(17199d7c-fb36-43e0-
George Kofi Amoako BSc (Hons, KNUST); MBA (Marketing, UG); PhD (LondonMet) Chartered Marketer-CIM-UK Profile George Kofi Amoako, is a senior lecturer of department at Marketing Department of University of Professional Studies in Accra Ghana, an academic and a practicing Chartered Marketer (CIM_UK) with specialization in, Sustainability, Branding, CSR and Strategic Marketing. He was educated in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi Ghana and at the University of Ghana and the London School of Marketing (UK).. He has considerable research, teaching, consulting and practice experience in the application of Marketing Theory and principles to everyday marketing challenges and management and Organizational issues .He is a Chartered Marketer with The Chartered Institute of Marketing-UK . He has consulted for Public Sector and Private organizations both in Ghana and UK. George has published extensively in internationally peer-reviewed academic journals and presented many papers at international conferences(26394ce2-715e-