The four stakeholder resource chapters in Part 2 have been made Open Access under a CC BY NC ND licence to allow all teachers and administrators to benefit from the research, with freely available practical guidance on working towards equity in language education.
To access the chapters please see the following links:
Chapter 11: Ivana Espinet, Kate Menken and Imee Hernandez: Nice-White-Parent Gentrification of a New York City Middle School: The French Dual Language Program at the School for International Studies
Chapter 12: Nelson Flores: Nice White Parents and Dual Language Education
Chapter 13: Deb Palmer, Emily Crawford-Rossi, Lisa Dorner, Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon and Dan Heiman: Countering Gentrification through Critical Consciousness: Recommendations and Success Stories for DLBE Educators
Chapter 14: Katie A. Bernstein, Kathryn I. Henderson, Sofía Chaparro and Adriana Alvarez: Creating DLBE Programs that Center Equity in the Face of School Choice Policies
M. Garrett Delavan is Assistant Professor of World Language, Dual Language and ESOL Education at Georgia State University, USA. His research interests include equity in dual language bilingual education, discourse analysis of education policy and Earth consciousness in language education.
Juan A. Freire is Associate Professor in the School of Education at Brigham Young University, USA. His research focuses on equity in dual language bilingual education, multicultural and bilingual teacher research and language education policy and planning.
Kate Menken is Professor of Linguistics and TESOL at Queens College and Research Fellow at the Research Institute for the Study of Language in Urban Society, CUNY Graduate Center, USA. She is Co-Editor in Chief of Language Policy and serves on the board of various journals in bilingual education and multilingualism.