A New translation with Introduction, Glossary of terms used by Feuerbach and timeline of his life and works. Feuerbach's 1837 work, "Geschichte der neueren Philosophie von Bacon bis Spinoza" (History of Modern Philosophy from Bacon to Spinoza), is an important contribution to the study of philosophy and intellectual history. The work traces the development of philosophical thought from the seventeenth century to the Enlightenment and examines the key figures and ideas that shaped this period. He argues that philosophy is not a static set of ideas, but rather a dynamic and evolving process that is shaped by social, political, and cultural factors- the basic Materialist Anthropology adopted by Marx. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche both take their satirical distichons about religion from Feuerbach, and every aspect of Marxism can be found here in Marx's favorite Philosopher. Feuerbach is a critical figure in the development of not merely Marxism, but Atheism and Humanism in general. This is Volume I in the The Complete Works of Ludwig Feuerbach by LP