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Love and Other U-Turns - Louisa Deasey (Allen & Unwin) - memoir, girls-own-adventure, romp, full of hilarious anecdotes and two memorable main characters. Particularly Jimbo, the itinerant comedian repelling urban audiences but somehow filling hearts beyond the cities. Louisa herself is more mysterious, but her voice is delightful, and her adventures as waitress, freelance journalist, love-intoxicated gypsy and more are truly fascinating. The advertising for this book concentrates on the "latte-loving journalist hits the outback with yobo comedian boyfriend in small Mazda" angle, but there's a lot more to the story than that.
Fun stuff, romance, refreshingly female perspective on the experience of travelling through all those Australian towns far outside Melbourne and Sydney.
Escapism and realism in one! Great if you're about to embark on your own journey around Australia, or if you're just dreaming of a new life...