Dr. Komzsik is a graduate of the Technical University and the Eötvös University of Sciences, both in Budapest, Hungary. He worked for the Hungarian Shipyards in Budapest during the 1970s as an engineering analyst. After immigrating to the U.S., he worked for the McDonnell-Douglas Corporation between 1981-1982 as a senior analyst. Following that, he spent two decades as Chief Numerical Analyst at the MacNeal-Schwendler (now MSC Software) Corporation. After another decade and a half, he recently retired as Principal Key Expert from Siemens PLM Software. He is the author of the original NASTRAN Numerical Methods Handbook, and a widely read book on The Lanczos Method that was also published in Chinese, Japanese, and Hungarian. His books titled Computational Techniques of Finite Element Analysis and Applied Calculus of Variations for Engineers and Approximation Techniques for Engineers are already in their second editions. He is also the co-author of the book, Rotor Dynamics with Finite Elements.