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Look What's Missing by David W. Daniels is another attempt to miss lead an audience who has no training in biblical scholarship. What is sad is that his aim to uphold the validity of the KJV comes not from rugged research, but from his own opinion and poor interpretation of Scripture. On page 84, Daniels states that he came to his position that the KJV was the "preserved words in English" because God promises to preserve His words (see footnote 101 on page 84). This sort of reasoning and hermeneutic displays the sort of ignorance Daniels uses for coming to his conclusions. No where does God state that the KJV is His "preserved words in English", nor do the KJV translators make such arguments. For Daniels to state that the KJV is God's preserved words in English, it would seem reasonable that he would have some sort of argument to make it trustworthy. No such argument is given.
The other major flaw with Daniels's book is that his work of "study" is done by comparing the newer translations to the older translation. Hey shows no use of the original text, the Greek or Hebrew. Rather, when he claims a translation leaves something out, it is done by comparing it to the KJV. He makes to reference to the textual debate with original manuscripts. When modern translators make adjustment or changes to the historic KJV text is because with later findings and better manuscripts the original words of the text are discovered. Daniels's points out where this leads to newer translations leaving stuff out that the KJV had. However, he fails to mention where the new translations such as the NASB and ESV add stuff that the KJV is missing. Some of the newer translations correct the faulty working of the KJV to make it clear that Jesus is both Lord and God.
Translating is a difficult task, but Daniels shows that his aim is not to give an accurate picture of the translation work done over the past 400 years, but to manipulate people to use the KJV for his unbiblical biases. Many within the Christian community speak negatively against the KJV because it does not make best use of the documents we now have available to us. It could be argued that if the KJV translators were alive today and had the resources we have, that they to would seek to make changes to their own document. The fact that the KJV underwent revisions in its own day supports such a statement. The KJV was never translated to take the place of the original text. The translators were never so boastful to assume that their work was perfect. To argue that the KJV is the "preserved words in English" makes more of the text than it claims for itself.
For a good book to read on the opposite side of this topic is The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust the Modern Translations? by James White.
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I guess all Christians know the parable of the "Good Samaritan"..for me it's not that the memorization of the entire bible that you will be calling yourself as "Christian" but living a humble and honest life and doing good deeds...I have known lots of church leaders in ALL sects (religions) are only good in their words, momorized the bible but behaving an unchristian way...
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Truth always stands and lies always fall... This book is truth. Any Bible that is copyrighted Is an attempt to usurp authority. Also, to obtain a copyright the derivative must be changed enough to be considered a different working. God is not the author of confusion and the KJV is not copyrighted. This book is excellent for those who think they are "saved".