Return to the charming town of Snow Creek for another heartwarming, heart wrenching tale of two unexpected lovers who find redemption and forgiveness in each other’s arms in this all new Snow Creek Christmas novella by USA Today Bestselling author Lisa Hughey.
Miracle on Main Street continues in the tradition of Love on Main Street: A Snow Creek Christmas by bringing a new holiday love story for readers to enjoy.
Where love begins on Main Street and ends happily ever after....
Christmas, the most magical season, is almost upon the small mountain town of Snow Creek. For seven couples, holiday wishes mean more than just gifts or parties. Can Snow Creek pull off its annual holiday miracle of bringing love to town?
Featuring seven original romances by New York Times Bestselling Author Juliet Blackwell, USA Today Bestselling Author Lisa Hughey, and Amazon Bestselling Authors LGC Smith, Cecilia Gray, Adrienne Bell, Rachel Herron, & Ruby Laska
USA Today Bestselling Author Lisa Hughey has been writing romance since the fourth grade, which was also about the time she began her love affair with spies. Harriet and Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys later gave way to James Bond and Lara Croft and Jason Bourne. Exploring the complex nature of a profession that requires subterfuge and lies fascinates her. She loves combining her two passions into fiction, as evidenced by her Black Cipher Files series.
She was immersed in the Stone Family novellas, stories about a blended family of brothers and a sister who have a lot more in common than they realize. But of course she couldn't just write about family and romance. There are complex plots, bad guys, and suspense too.
Taking a break from romantic suspense, Lisa entered the paranormal world of the Angelic Realm. The Seven deals with forbidden relationships between humans and Archangels. At its heart, Rafe is a novel about the dynamic of family relationships. As this series evolves, the core story continues to be about love triumphing in the face of opposition and heartache. (The really hot Archangels don't hurt.)
Her latest project is the Nostradamus Prophecies, intertwined stories about a paranormal band of brothers, former military men who were born with extra talents, and the psychic women who love them. The CIA operatives enter a twisted world of prophetic verses to fight against an evil network of criminals intent on mortal harm.
Lisa loves to hear from readers and has various places you can connect with her, although, shh, Facebook is her new favorite.