Lev Virine. P.Eng. has many years of experience as a structural engineer, software developer, and project manager. He has been involved in major projects performed by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to establish effective decision analysis and risk management for complex projects. He writes and speaks around the world on the decision analysis process, the psychology of judgment and decision-making, and risk management. Michael Trumper is experienced in communications, software design, and project risk analysis and management. Michael is a partner at Intaver Institute Inc., a vendor of project risk management and analysis software. Michael has authored papers on quantitative methods in project risk analysis and management. Michael has developed and delivered project risk analysis and management solutions to clients that include NASA, DOE, Lockheed Martin, and others. Lev Virine and Michael Trumper are authors of Project Decision, the Art and Science, Management Concepts, Vienna, VA, 2007.