Volume 1 covers Critical Research, Grounded Theory, and Historical Approaches. Volume 2 deals with Interpretive Approaches and also explores Action Research. Volume 3 focuses on Design Science Approaches and discusses Alternative Approaches including Semiotics Research, Complexity Theory and Gender in IS Research.
The Journal of Information Technology (JIT) was started in 1986 by Professors Frank Land and Igor Aleksander with the aim of bringing technology and management together and bridging the ‘great divide’ between the two disciplines. The Journal was created with the vision of making the impact of complex interactions and developments in technology more accessible to a wider audience. Retaining this initial focus, the JIT has gone on to extend into new and innovative areas of research such as the launch of JITTC in 2010. A high impact journal, JIT shall continue to publish leading trends based on significant research in the field.
Leslie P. Willcocks is Professor of Technology, Work, and Globalization at the Department of Management at London School of Economics, UK.
Chris Sauer is a Senior Tutor at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, UK and an Associate Fellow of the Said Business School, UK.
Mary C. Lacity is Curators' Professor of Information Systems and an International Business Fellow at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, US.