In this memoir, we prove that the universal Teichmuller space $T(1)$ carries a new structure of a complex Hilbert manifold and show that the connected component of the identity of $T(1)$ -- the Hilbert submanifold $T {0 (1)$ -- is a topological group. We define a Weil-Petersson metric on $T(1)$ by Hilbert space inner products on tangent spaces, compute its Riemann curvature tensor, and show that $T(1)$ is a Kahler-Einstein manifold with negative Ricci and sectional curvatures. We introduce and compute Mumford-Miller-Morita characteristic forms for the vertical tangent bundle of the universal Teichmuller curve fibration over the universal Teichmuller space. As an application, we derive Wolpert curvature formulas for the finite-dimensional Teichmuller spaces from the formulas for the universal Teichmuller space. We study in detail the Hilbert manifold structure on $T {0 (1)$ and characterize points on $T {0 (1)$ in terms of Bers and pre-Bers embeddings by proving that the Grunsky operators $B {1 $ and The results of this memoir were presented in our e-prints: Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichmuller space I. Curvature properties and Chern forms, arXiv:math.CV/0312172 (2003), and Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichmuller space II. Kahler potential and period mapping, arXiv:math.CV/0406408 (2004).