My name is Bella Maree Lane. I am an Australian Tantric Wound Healer and a bestselling author of Women Gone Wild. I’ve come to this powerful realization over the course of my own experiences. Healthy, loving, and respectful, relationships are foundational to creating a joyful life. It took me decades to understand that life was not simply happening to me, but rather my experiences were being meticulously constructed & designed subconsciously. I had no awareness of my own contribution to the painful, often tragic events which occurred with monotonous regularity. From the outside, it appeared I had a successful, fortunate life, whereas, in reality, my life was in total chaos and shambles. Looking at my past, you would have no reason to think I could or would ever craft a thriving, happy, fulfilled life. How, in the face of overwhelming adversity I finally learned to heal, grow, and flourish. So too can you! This often treacherous journey is how I found my way to being a love, relationship and intimacy expert. I am utterly immersed and dedicated to bringing you the world-class tools and skills I have been blessed to study, embrace and integrate. They have completely transformed my life and can do the same for you.