The Law of Attraction states that whatever people do will reflect in their life. People put their focus and energy into many things, and that will get back to you. It's hardly a long definition, yet it's packed with significance. So, if one emphasizes the wonderful and pleasant aspects of one's life, he will naturally attract more of the same. People will draw negativity into their life if they dwell on bad thoughts. In life, similar things attract similar things. Human beings are putting out positive energy if they are eager, passionate, ardent, joyous, thankful, or plentiful.┬аIf people are anxious, stressed out, resentful, or depressed, they're throwing out negative energy. The universe will warmly respond to both of these energies due to the Law of Attraction. It doesn't choose which is best for mankind; it responds to the energy humans produce and provides them with more of the same. People get precisely what they do in return.