From financial and time planning, lofting, floors and framing, selection of materials, planking and spiling, design considerations, to deck beams, man-hour norms and details critical to wooden boat construction, this volume serves as th emost comprehensive guid a potential builder could ever use.
Reders will also appreciate the discussions of how to select from numerous construction methods and materials, how to set up the shop and tips for sharpening and making your own tools. The new appendix on proper adhesive selection is "must" reading.
With more than 200,000 miles of voyaging behind him, the vast majority on boats he built himself, Larry has had ample time to observe and partake of wooden boat building in all parts of the world. With his wife Lin, he has built seven boats and worked restoring and repairing boats in 17 different countries. Two of his bigger restoration projects were on racing boats that were over 100 years old. The lessons he learned through hands on experience have all been shared in this book.