Years of preparation led to the Allied Invasion of French soil on June 6, 1944. In the greatest amphibious assault ever launched, more than 150,000 American, Canadian, and British troops penetrated German defenses by air and by sea in an ingenious surprise attack that marked a critical turning point in World War II.
The complex logistics of D-Day — landing troops and tanks on the beaches of Normandy while German leaders expected an attack further up the coast — were made possible by a brilliant campaign of disinformation and misdirection. Without this counter-intelligence the Allies most likely would have crossed the Channel to meet the German Wehrmacht in all its might. That the Germans never knew what hit them says much for the spider’s web of deceit carefully planted by the English.
In his final work, bestselling author Larry Collins reveals the secrets of D-Day in a step-by-step unraveling of code names, unlikely connections, serendipitous discoveries, and cold-blooded calculations. Though it reads like a thriller, this fascinating tale of unflinching bravery and outright chutzpah is all true.
Larry Collins is the author of Fall from Grace, The Road to Armageddon, and coauthor, with Dominique Lapierre, of the bestselling Is Paris Burning?, Or I'll Dress You in Mourning, Freedom at Midnight, The Fifth Horseman, and Is New York Burning?, books read by millions of people in more than thirty languages. He died in 2005.