This story by Kurt Vonnegut is set in a future where population control is enforced. This book has a 40,000 person population. For every person who is born, someone has to volunteer to die, seeing as lives have been extended to almost forever. Edward K. Wehling Jr. is having triplets at the hospital. He is very upset because he only has one person who is willing to die, so he has to pick only one of his triplets will live. His grandfather is willing to die but Edward does not want him to die. Leora Duncan from the population control comes in to find out what three people are willing to die. A conflict goes on between Edward, Leora, the painter, and the doctor. Edward takes his gun out of his pocket and shoots Leora. When the doctor comes in, Edward shoots him, and then shoots himself so there is room in the world for all three of his children. The painter, after witnessing the deaths, calls the catbox to arrange for his death.