Volatility-Based Technical Analysis bridges the advantage gap between resource rich institutions and individual traders. It is a no-calculus, plain-English text that reveals original, highly technical, mathematical-based volatility indicators, complete with MetaStock® and TradeStation® code. With this in hand, any trader can "trade the invisible" by seeing a hidden mathematical structure on the price chart. Author Kirk Northington reveals his proprietary volatility indicators that serve as a market early warning system. Northington extensively teaches you how to build your own indicators, test them, and incorporate your original components into your specific trading methods.
Written with the serious trader in mind, Volatility-Based Technical Analysis has what you need to successfully trade today's institutionally dominated markets.
KIRK NORTHINGTON is the President of Northington Trading, LLC, a developer of technical analysis systems based on adaptive volatility for swing trading. The company's flagship software product, MetaSwing, is an add-on toolkit for users of MetaStock technical analysis software. In addition to system design, Northington Trading trades stocks on the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges. Kirk has previously held positions in several Fortune 500 companies, with experience in engineering, digital control system design, and project management.