Amidst the tapestry of deceit and cunning, clandestine agendas unfurl, weaving intricate webs of intrigue. The galaxy is engulfed in a war that threatens the fabric of existence. However, amidst the chaos, unexpected friendships and relationships are forged, transcending boundaries and divisions.
Will righteousness prevail in the face of adversity? Can the seeds of change take root in the soil of uncertainty? Be enthralled by this omnibus edition, a gateway to the captivating Sehnsucht Series by Keyla Damaer.
Keyla Damaer is an Italian independent author since 2017. Writing has been her lifelong passion, which she explored by travelling especially throughout the United States, where part of her family lives. Through these travels, she has had the unique opportunity to immerse herself in the English language and culture, which she has always cherished since childhood. Her passion for storytelling is evident in her works, which are characterised by their imaginative worlds, and complex characters.
Born and raised in Rome, Keyla currently resides in the Eternal City with her husband and beloved turtle.