When different areas of the brain are stimulated, a person can have a variety of experiences, but there is no specific ‘God spot’ where stimulation enhances religiosity or spirituality. Functional brain imaging shows that there are specific areas of the brain that ‘light up’ when subjects perform certain religious activities, but imaging only provides anatomic correlations, not functional explanations.
The Believer's Brain takes a step beyond these singular methodologies, providing converging evidence from a variety study methods of how humans’ brain networks mediate different aspects of religious and spiritual beliefs, feelings, actions, and experiences.
Although the book reveals how our brain is the home to the religious and spiritual mind, understanding this gift will not diminish our spirituality or our love or our belief in a supreme being, but will increase appreciation of the apparatus that mediates these mental states.
Kenneth M. Heilman, MD, the James E. Rooks Jr. Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Health Psychology at the University of Florida, has described several new diseases and is the author or editor of 14 books, 100 textbook chapters, and 500 research journal publications about brain-behavior relations. He is listed in Best Doctors in America, America’s Top Doctors and Who’s Who. He has trained approximately 70 postdoctoral fellows, many of whom are now leaders in neurology and neuropsychology.
Russell S. Donda has devoted nearly two decades to expanding and translating science into clearly understood and useful ideas. He has launched several companies and spearheaded the development of multiple novel technologies. His efforts have spawned a number of innovations, and he is an inventor on 15 patents and applications.