Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Volume 9: Millimeter Components and Techniques, Part I compiles the work of several authors while focusing on certain aspects of infrared and millimeter waves, such as sources of radiation, instrumentation, and millimeter systems. This volume deals with millimeter components and techniques. Chapter 1 covers millimeter wave communications, and then the succeeding chapter discusses a comparative study of millimeter waves and transmission lines. This book then tackles dielectric waveguide electrooptic devices, as well as millimeter-wave propagation and remote sensing of the atmosphere, which are covered in Chapter 4. The fifth chapter presents the technology of large radio telescopes for millimeter and submillimeter. The next chapter explains a gyrotron study program, and the last chapter discusses multimode analysis of quasi-optical gyrotrons and gyroklystrons. This book will be of great use for researchers or professionals whose work involves infrared and millimeter waves.